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Unless you’ve been living under a rock, there’s a hot topic this year called the coronavirus. Chances are, it has already impacted your life or those around you in one way or another. Due to the rapid expansion of this virus around the globe, many folks have all kinds of questions about it.
One thing worth noting before we get into all the statistics and information about the coronavirus is the information presented in this guide is based on the latest available details at the time of production. Since the 2019 version of the coronavirus is rapidly expanding, we’re sure medical teams around the globe will learn more about it as time moves on. In turn, data presented in this presentation should be considered estimates which could change with time as we all learn more about this virus.
Before we get into things, we wanted to provide you with a quick look ahead at everything we’ll cover in our guide about the odds of the coronavirus impacting your life. To get the most out of this page, we’d suggest you read it all. However, you can click on any of the section titles below if you’d prefer to skip ahead to one of them immediately.
What Is Coronavirus?
To get things started, we first wanted to get you up to speed on what the coronavirus is. In this section, we’ll help you understand what you need to know about it.
Coronaviruses are a broad family of viruses with an extensive range of associated potential illnesses. In some cases, they can cause the common cold or more severe ones like the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS).
Regarding COVID-19
If you’ve been following the news, you might have seen the virus referred to as COVID-19. Many folks are now using the term interchangeably with the coronavirus. However, it’s most proper to refer to the worldwide 2020 outbreak as COVID-19.
The reason behind this is that is because it’s the official abbreviation for “Coronavirus Disease 2019.” As we mentioned above, there have been other strands of the coronavirus before within the family of viruses. However, the one causing havoc around the globe is the 2019 version of the virus.
For the remainder of this document, we’ll use both COVID-19 and the coronavirus interchangeably to reflect the 2019 version of the virus and its impact on the world in 2020. Typically, those infected with a strand of coronavirus will deal with respiratory system issues in one form or another.
How Severe Is the Coronavirus?
Currently, there are three classifications of severity related to the COVID-19 outbreak. Those ratings are mild, severe, and critical. Check out the graphic included below from Information is Beautiful to see the breakdown of percentages thus far.
As you can see, the vast majority of cases (nearly 81%) of the coronavirus so far have been classified as mild. In these cases, symptoms of COVID-19 are flu-like, and the patient can simply stay at home to self-manage symptoms of the virus. However, not all cases are classified as mild.
Out of the tracked cases thus far, nearly 14% of them have been labeled severe. Individuals with severe symptoms of the coronavirus will require hospitalization to help them work to overcome their symptoms.
Finally, the smallest percentage of cases overall have been labeled as critical in nature. For roughly 5% of folks who contract COVID-19, their symptoms are intense enough that they require intensive care from a hospital team.
What Are the Odds of Getting the Coronavirus?
Something many folks are currently interested in learning about is the odds of getting the coronavirus. In this section, we’ll provide you with insight into the current odds of getting the virus based on the latest information available.
Keep in mind, things are quickly developing relating to knowledge and treatment of the virus. Therefore, it’s likely these included numbers could change as we gain more insight into COVID-19.
Right now, medical experts around the world have estimated the infection rate somewhere between 1.5% and 3.5%. In turn, this means roughly 1.5% to 3.5% of the world’s population will contract the virus this year. Check out the image below from Statista to see how the infection rate of COVID-19 compares to some other illnesses such as SARS and the seasonal flu.
At the low end of the infection rate estimate, COVID-19 is relatively close to the seasonal flu and Ebola. However, on the higher end of things, the infection rate falls more in line with SARS. We expect the broad current estimated range (2%) will shrink with time as the world learns more about the coronavirus and its infection rate.

What Are the Odds of Dying From the Coronavirus?
Moving forward, we also wanted to showcase your odds of dying from the coronavirus if you end up contracting it. Below, we’ve included lots of handy information from the latest news available about the virus.
First thing, we wanted to introduce the overall estimated death rate of COVID-19 across the board. Right now, it’s estimated that around 3.4% to 3.7% of all individuals who contract the coronavirus will pass away from it. However, keep in mind this figure is likely to change as the world learns more about COVID-19 and its effects.
In the image below from Information is Beautiful, you’ll find details from a study of worldwide confirmed cases conducted by Johns Hopkins University. As you can see, approximately 46% of all known cases at the time were currently ill. However, more than 50% of the worldwide cases had recovered. Finally, 3.7% of those infected with COVID-19 died from the virus.
What’s important to note here is, as the image above states, the vast majority of folks who contract the coronavirus will end up recovering. However, as you’ll see below, there are sets of the population more susceptible to the symptoms of COVID-19, this group of people will need to be extremely cautious in the near future to help protect themselves.
Coronavirus Death Rates by Age Group
One of the things the media has been focused on regularly is how dangerous the coronavirus can be to elderly individuals. In this portion of our guide, we wanted to help provide you with some rough estimates by age group. Using this data, you can get not only an idea of the odds of you dying from COVID-19 but also family members and friends you might be worried about.
To help conceptualize things, check out this excellent graphic below from Information is Beautiful. In it, you can see folks aged between 1 and 29 years of age have odds of just 1 in 500 (0.2%) of passing away from the coronavirus. With that said, things begin to skyrocket the older an individual is. Those with the highest risk of dying from COVID-19 are 80 years or older. For this segment of the population, there’s a nearly 1 in 3 (~30%) chance they die if they contract the virus.
Before we move on, it’s worth mentioning the disclaimer within the image above. The figures used to compile the data above all came from a study of public health information from Italy and the UK.
In turn, the residents of Italy may have a higher death rate from COVID-19 than other parts of the globe because the country has a higher population of citizens over the age of 70. With that said, it’s relatively clear from the image above that the older you are, the more likely it is that you could pass away from the complications of COVID-19.
Individuals With Preexisting Conditions
On top of elderly individuals, there are other folks in the population that are at a higher risk of dying from the coronavirus. Here, it’s individuals with select preexisting conditions who need to be concerned. Check out the image below from Information is Beautiful to see samples of some of the conditions to be aware of.
At the top of the list with the highest risk of passing away from the coronavirus is cardiovascular disease. For individuals with heart-related conditions, there’s more than a 10% chance they’ll pass away if they contract COVID-19. Some of the other conditions with higher estimated death rates include diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, cancer, and high blood pressure.
While the list above isn’t all-inclusive, it provides some color into preexisting conditions that folks need to be careful with. If you, a friend, or a loved one have any of these existing conditions, it’s vital to ensure they do their best to limit contact with others who may have the coronavirus to help reduce their chances of dying from the disease.
How Does the Coronavirus Death Rate Compare to Other Viruses?
To help conclude this section about the death rate of COVID-19, we wanted to include one more handy graphic from Information is Beautiful. In it, you can see how the coronavirus stacks up against other viruses from both a death rate and infection rate standpoint. You’ll find notable viruses like the bird flu, Ebola, and SARS included below.
The orange box in the chart above is the current estimated range for both the fatality rate and infection rate of the coronavirus. As more is learned about COVID-19, the range of the box should shrink. However, as you can see, the coronavirus has a much lower overall death rate than many other viruses.
Things More Likely to Happen to You Than Dying From the Coronavirus
Now that we’ve broken out the odds of dying from the coronavirus, we also wanted to present you with a list of other things you’re more likely to have happen to you than dying from the virus.
Note: For this section, we’ve assumed the odds relating to individuals aged between 10 and 49 years old. For these folks, there’s around a 1 in 500 chance of dying from the coronavirus.
- Getting in a Car Accident – 1 in 103
- Getting Audited by the IRS – 1 in 175
- Having Identical Twins Naturally – 1 in 250
As you can see, there are several things many folks might not think are all that likely, which are much more likely to occur than dying from the coronavirus as a person between 10 and 49 years old.
Ways to Reduce Your Odds of Getting or Dying From the Coronavirus
If you’re looking to reduce your odds of getting the virus, you’ve come to the right section of our guide. Here, we’ll provide you with lots of handy tips you can use to reduce your chances of getting the coronavirus.
Clean Your Hands Regularly
One of the best ways to help reduce your odds of getting or dying from the coronavirus is to make sure you clean your hands as often as you can throughout the day and make sure to use hand sanitizer when possible. It’s especially important that you clean them after events like being out in public, coming into contact with someone else, sneezing, coughing, or blowing your nose.
Ideally, aim to wash your hands if you can. When going this route, remember to do so with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds. If it’s not an option to wash your hands at the moment, another excellent choice is to use hand sanitizer with an alcohol content of at least 60%. It’s important to spread the hand sanitizer over the entirety of your hands and to continue rubbing until they feel dry.
For more information about proper hand cleaning techniques, check out the video below from the CDC.
Avoid Touching Your Face
Something else you can do to help reduce the odds of getting or dying from the coronavirus is to avoid touching your face as much as possible. This is especially true if your hands are not clean. By not contacting areas of your face like your eyes, mouth, and nose, you’ll be less likely to contract the coronavirus.
Avoid Close Contact With Others
Finally, one last step you can take to reduce your odds of the coronavirus is to try to avoid close contact with others. This is especially important if you’re around another individual who’s sick. Also, if the coronavirus is common in your area, it’s a good idea to practice this with everyone in public to help reduce your chances of getting the virus. If you’re an individual with an increased risk of getting very sick from the coronavirus, such as an elderly individual, this is paramount.
How to Help Protect Others
If you’ve been following the news surrounding the coronavirus, one of the main concerns is not so much just you getting sick, but also the possibility of getting others sick. As the statistics above show, older folks have a higher risk of dying from the virus. While you might survive just fine if you end up getting it, there’s still a risk of you passing it along to someone who might not be able to. In this section of our guide about the odds of the coronavirus, we’ll discuss ways you can take steps to help protect others around you.
If You’re Sick, Stay Home
If you’ve got any form of sickness this year, be it the coronavirus or something else, you should stay at home to help protect the health of others. By doing so, you’ll be less likely to get the general public, your colleagues, or others sick. The only exception to this rule should be if you need to get out of the house to seek medical care.
Cover Sneezes and Coughs
For those of you who didn’t have this one sink in as a child, it’s always an excellent idea to cover your face whenever you must sneeze or cough. It’s better to sneeze or cough into your elbow rather than into your hands. Doing this will make it less likely that you’ll infect other folks with the virus or other illnesses.
If you end up using a tissue when sneezing or coughing, remember to toss the tissue into the trash immediately. Don’t just set it down on a table or desk. By doing so, you’re increasing the chances of others getting sick from contact with the surface.
Finally, don’t forget to cleanse your hands as soon as possible after sneezing or coughing. This will help you protect others by ensuring your hands are clean as often as possible. You can follow the guidelines in the section above relating to best practices for cleaning your hands.
Wearing a Face Mask
Another excellent way to help protect others is to wear a face mask, especially if you’re sick. While it’s not the most attractive or the most convenient to wear, it’s vital to help limit the chance you may pass your sickness onto others. Remember to do this in places like your office or when visiting healthcare providers and other essential workers.
Disinfect and Clean Surfaces
If you know you’re sick, it’s an excellent idea to regularly clean and disinfect commonly touched surfaces each day. Samples of these areas can include doorknobs and handles, remotes, countertops, tables, etc. To disinfect and clean these areas, you can use most approved household disinfectants. Otherwise, you can use a diluted bleach or alcohol solution.
For more detailed instructions, click here to view additional tips from the CDC.
Isolate Yourself From Others
Should you end up contracting COVID-19, you must separate yourself from others as much as possible to help protect them. At home, it’s a good idea to limit yourself to just one room in the house. If possible, it’s also best to use a bathroom that’s dedicated to only you.
Also, you should avoid contact with any family pets if you have the coronavirus. There are now reports of cats and dogs testing positive for COVID-19 after coming into contact with infected individuals. There’s also the possibility of spreading the virus to another member of your family through contact with the same animal.
Call Ahead to Your Medical Providers
If you know you have the coronavirus or suspect you might have it, be sure to call your medical provider ahead of time before arriving to any office or medical setting.
By doing this, your medical provider will be able to properly prepare for your arrival to help protect themselves as well as other patients. Be sure to carefully follow any of their given instructions to limit the likelihood of infecting others.
Don’t Share Household Items
Finally, one last great tip to help you protect others from spreading the coronavirus is not to share everyday household items. A few examples of things you won’t want to share include dishes, bedding, towels, utensils, drinking glasses, and more. For any of these items that you do use, be sure to wash them thoroughly with soap and water after each use.
Symptoms of the Coronavirus
If you’re not quite feeling like yourself, you might be wondering if you potentially have the coronavirus. In this part of our guide, we’ll talk you through some of the symptoms most commonly associated with the virus.
Developing a Fever
One of the most common symptoms of coronavirus is fever. However, remember that just because you have a fever doesn’t necessarily mean you have COVID-19. A fever can also be associated with other common illnesses such as the flu.
Losing Sense of Smell and Taste
Another one of the most common symptoms of coronavirus is losing one’s sense of taste and smell. This is a common symptom experienced by a majority of individuals who test positive with mild cases. Thankfully, for most people, it is reported that these senses return within a month of contracting the virus.
Developing a Dry Cough
As with the fever mention above, forming a cough isn’t a sure sign you have the coronavirus since many other things can cause coughs. However, if you do begin to develop a cough, it could be a sign you might have contracted the virus.
Shortness of Breath
Finally, one other potential symptom of COVID-19 is shortness of breath. If you start experiencing this all of a sudden, it may be a sign you’re infected. However, once again, we stress this isn’t a sure sign that you have it. Be sure to consult with a proper medical professional for testing to confirm if you have COVID-19 or not.
Emergency Warning Signs
The CDC has listed several emergency warning signs associated with the coronavirus. If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms included below, you must seek immediate medical attention.
- Bluish lips or face
- New confusion or inability to arouse
- Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
- Loss of speech or movement
- Inability to wake or stay awake
- Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
If you’re exhibiting any of the symptoms described above, and you’re concerned you might have COVID-19, be sure to seek medical treatment as soon as possible. However, remember to call the medical provider in advance to let them know you’re coming and to receive instructions on how to help protect yourself and others in and around the office.
Treatment of the Coronavirus
Many folks wonder what the treatment of the coronavirus entails. In this section, we’ll walk you through what to expect if you end up contracting COVID-19.
Since no approved vaccines or treatments currently exist, it means medical teams must work to manage the symptoms of the coronavirus as it runs its course. As we discussed above, there are many levels of the potential severity of the virus. If you end up contracting COVID-19, it’s best to consult with your medical team to see what they suggest in terms of treatment specific to your current set of symptoms.
Implications of the Coronavirus
Something else we wanted to touch on in our guide about the odds of the coronavirus is the implications of the disease. In this section, we’ll discuss some of the drastic measures which have been taken in an attempt to help slow the spread of the virus.
As you’ll see with each one of the sections below, the goal of these restrictions has been to help limit the spread of COVID-19. You may have heard the term “flattening the curve” associated with some of these measures taking place. Below, we’ve included an image from Information is Beautiful, showcasing the goal of taking crucial steps to prevent the spread.
By acting proactively, the hope is to lower the overall fatality rate of COVID-19 by giving individuals with the virus the chance to get effective treatment. Without taking measures like the ones below, it’s possible hospitals and medical centers around the globe could become overwhelmed. In turn, this may lead to some individuals not being able to get the medical treatment they need in a timely fashion, which could increase the fatality rate associated with the virus.
Travel Restrictions
One of the most obvious implications of the coronavirus has been through different travel restrictions implemented across the globe. For example, in mid-March of 2020, the United States announced a 30-day ban on all arrivals of citizens from Europe, Ireland, and the UK. Other countries across the world have implemented similar policies.
In addition to the arrival ban, the US government also put a halt on all traveling for members of the United States Armed Forces. The goal of this temporary ban is to reduce the chances of service members becoming infected with COVID-19. In turn, there’s a better chance they’ll be in good health if they’re needed in the coming weeks and months as the virus plays out.
Finally, another travel-related implication that’s happened is most cruise lines around the world have temporarily halted their cruises to help stop the spread of the coronavirus. With cruise ships, it’s especially easy for viruses to spread because of the fact people are in such close quarters for an extended period. Already, there have been several samples of cruises where there have been a large number of COVID-19 cases developed onboard.
School Closures
Across the world, the closure of schools have become commonplace because of the coronavirus. In many cases, schools are closed for weeks at a time or for an indefinite period. The school closures aim to help reduce the likelihood of the teachers, staff, and students contracting and spreading COVID-19. Many institutions have chosen to opt for distance learning, while others allow a percentage of students to attend classes with face masks.
Work From Home
Another significant implication of COVID-19 has been a dramatic shift of many corporations asking their employees to work from home. The goal of this change is to help protect the employees and limit the chances of them getting sick at the office or infecting others. In some cases, we’re hearing reports of some offices having shut down at least through 2021 as a precautionary measure.
One thing to note here is that while many folks can work from home, this isn’t possible for all occupations. For example, medical staff, first responders, and many blue-collar jobs still have to show up to a specific location to get their work done.
Something else we were not surprised to see was the closure of many attractions around the globe to help reduce the spread of the coronavirus. With some of these theme parks able to accommodate more than 100,000 folks at a time, it makes sense these were closed temporarily to protect park staff and guests.
Things initially started with the temporary closure of all Disney parks in Asia. However, the Disney theme parks in California, Paris, and Florida also shut their doors soon after that. In addition to the Walt Disney parks, other theme parks around the globe like Universal Studios, Six Flags, and Sea World have followed suit.
Phased reopening measures have been taken by some parks. These measures include limited capacity and availability, mandatory distancing, face coverings, temperature screenings, and enhanced cleaning.
Sporting Events
One of the most obvious implications of this virus early on was the rapid change when it came to professional sports.
Over a matter of roughly 48 hours in mid-March of 2020, many professional and collegiate level leagues halted their events to help protect the staff, players, and sports fans. Notable closures thus far include the cancellation of the 2020 NCAA March Madness tournaments, the suspension of the NBA and NHL seasons, MLB operations, and more.
Large Gatherings
Finally, one other area that’s already seen a dramatic change in things are rules relating to the large gatherings of individuals. Theaters, churches, concert venues, and other spaces have had to cancel events because of the expected size of the crowd. Some state governments have implemented restrictions to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 in their area.
There are plenty of gatherings and spaces which limit capacity down to 10 people or 50 people. Be sure to stay tuned in to your local news sources to stay up to date on potential impacts from the coronavirus in your area or head over to our news page where we provide updates on all things casino related.
Frequently Asked Questions
Lastly, we also wanted to include some frequently asked questions. If you’re still searching for some answers after checking out the rest of this guide, be sure to review the FAQs below.
If you’d like to see a more complete lineup of frequently asked questions relating to COVID-19, be sure to visit the CDC’s coronavirus FAQ page.
Wrap Up
Thanks for dropping by to check out this page about the odds of getting or dying from the coronavirus. We hope the details included here helped you locate everything you were seeking to learn about and more.
If you enjoyed the detailed information provided by, you might like some of the other pages similar to this one we’ve developed.

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